Creating a Work Life Balance with Jess Escalona

Season #3

Work-life balance… the thing we hear, we know we need, but getting there is a different story…

If you’ve struggled with finding balance in your personal and business life, this episode is for you.

💡 Today I am joined by my long-time client, friend, and team member, Jess Escalona! As a mother, CEO, and business-owner, Jess found herself overwhelmed with the responsibilities that came with each role. Once she recognized this busy-cycle and the unsustainability of it, she decided to make the shift to truly embody a work-life balance!

Jess and I discuss the mindset switch that it takes to call in balance. To achieve this, you must learn to prioritize YOURSELF, and recognize that the go-go-go lifestyle leads to one thing and one thing only: continuous burnout. 

From Jess’s experience, she shares that to embody balance fully, you must…

  • Unlearn old beliefs. Surrendering to the flow is critical, and knowing that you do not need to sacrifice your time, energy, and mental health guides you to inner peace. 
  • Trust that this prioritization of yourself is okay. There needs to be trust in your life and business that things will not fall apart without you. 
  • Design your ideal schedule and stick to it. It’s one thing to have the idea to make time for your family, but it’s when you put it in action the magic happens.
  • Take in the data of when you build balance, meaning there might be a clue on where you need additional support, boundaries, trust, etc. Be open to recreating what your day looks like!

I’d be lying if I said being balanced is easy, because it truly takes maintenance and management. But when you are dedicated to tuning into your inner power and taking back control over your life, you start to understand where your time + energy are truly needed. 

And sticking to those boundaries you have created for your daily life is powerful as fuck!

📲 I’d love if you would share this episode on Instagram. Screenshot this episode, tag @kelseakoenreich and I’ll share it in my IG story too! 

Loved this episode and looking for MORE?  Here’s your next step 👇

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