Balancing Boundaries and A Good Client Experience

Season #4

As women, we need to be better about not shying away from knowing our value and being willing to ask for what we want. 

We care deeply about our clients, so much that we end up bending over backwards, saying yes to every request, even if it means going beyond our scope, our boundaries, and ultimately, our worth. 

Today we are discussing:

  • Communicating boundaries assertively and professionally
  • Alternative solutions when clients request something outside of the scope
  • Clearly defining services and expectations upfront
  • Retaining more customers by providing a good client experience


After listening you will learn:

  • The importance of balancing excellent service with maintaining healthy boundaries
  • Strategies for clearly communicating expectations upfront with clients
  • How to implement effective feedback procedures to ensure client satisfaction
  • The significance of continuously seeking feedback and making improvements to enhance client relationships

Ready to protect your time and energy to improve your client’s experience while safeguarding your own well-being?

Download the free Female Founders Freedom Framework now to gain the clarity and confidence to build a solid foundation for your business while reclaiming your time and sanity.


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