The Business Growth Strategy You Aren't Using

Season #3

The answer to success inside your business? It’s not what you think…


I have beef with the online coaching industry. It became more of advertising the ease of making money online and dismisses the reason of why we are actually building a business: intentional connection, creating impact, changing lives, and creating financial freedom so that we can LIVE. 


Only viewing yourself as an online business owner blinds you to what else is out there. There is an untapped group of people offline. 


Do your neighbors know who you are and what you do?


If you don’t promote your business offline, that needs to change. 


Your mission is bigger than the audience on social platforms and email lists. You are meant to reach BEYOND this. 


Today’s episode is your sign to check back into the world and create connection outside of social media. 


Listen in to learn the…


  • Power of building your business in both places, online and in your community.
  • Tactic to find an unsaturated market to reach the right people. 
  • Importance of releasing the fear of  being seen offline. 
  • Momentum getting in you community can bring you. 



Building your legacy takes MORE than simply being online. Step outside and find the version of yourself that isn’t afraid to bring her mission to the people who need you. 


Looking for your next big move? Join my next retreat!👇

✨Join PowHER Retreat, a space created for women to grow, connect, and relax! You can learn more here.

📲 I’d love if you would share this episode on Instagram. Screenshot this episode, tag @kelseamariekoenreich and I’ll share it in my IG story too!


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