BTS: The PowHER Retreat

Season #3

Witnessing other women rise to their power? That’s what PowHER is about!


Today’s episode is a little different, I share a behind-the-scenes look at the PowHER Retreat I recently hosted. 


When we are ambitious and intensely driven women, we are sometimes consumed by our business. But being too indulged in this ignores our true nature as women to come together and celebrate our journey. 


Through 1:1 sessions with me, branding photoshoots, strategizing for their business, energy healing, and a night out, the women in this retreat showcased what intentional connection can do for themselves and their businesses!


As you listen, take note of the experience that was created in this space. 


I’m discussing the…


  • Power of coming together to feel held, supported, and safe. 
  • Importance of refining your business with intention and honoring your boundaries. 
  • Unwinding and facilitating your personal freedom. 



I am still feeling the rush of gratitude and empowerment this space gave us all. And it served as one hell of a reminder that there is nothing more powerful than a room full of women ready to EXPAND!


Looking to join my next retreat? 👇

✨Join PowHER Retreat, a space created for women to grow, connect, and relax! You can learn more here.

📲 I’d love if you would share this episode on Instagram. Screenshot this episode, tag @kelseamariekoenreich and I’ll share it in my IG story too!


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