Episode #22 - How To Be Kind to Yourself
How do you speak to yourself?
Have you ever noticed that you say things to yourself that you would never say to anyone else? You’ve likely made comments about your appearance or your intelligence at some point.
You say things to yourself like “I’m so stupid”, “I messed everything up”, or “I’m so fat/skinny” and speak to yourself so harshly without batting an eye. At some point in time all of us can raise our hand and say yes, we have.
In episode 22 of The Bravehearted Podcast, we are talking about compassion, and not in the way that you continue to give it to everyone else - but how to give it to yourself.
Self compassion is a learned skill, it is the desire to help ease your own suffering. Everyone makes mistakes, but it is how we rebound from those mistakes that shapes us as humans. By giving ourselves more compassion it enables us to be more compassionate to others and makes us more emotionally resilient.
By the end of this episode you will feel empowered to treat yourself with grace and compassion, regardless of your situation. You will have tools to walk through that negative self-talk and be more accepting of yourself, even when you are not sitting exactly where you expect yourself to be.
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