Communicating With Littles

Season #2 Episode #1

Welcome to the Korner Cast!

To kick off episode #1 of The Korner Cast, I tell you a story about Cameron and a Lego that ended up somewhere it shouldn’t be.

Navigating through this hilarious situation was only possible due to the communication habits I’ve been able to create with him.

Teaching your children effective communication can seem like an overwhelming task initially but it’s actually very simple. Effective communication requires input from both sides and that includes our children.

If you allow your child to speak and have a voice in conversations and if you ask them questions instead of just speaking in statements, you begin to teach them to learn how to communicate well.

A child that understands how to describe their emotions, navigate their thought processes, and use their voice effectively, grows up to be an adult that is an excellent communicator.

When you ask your child more questions in the midst of dialoguing with them, you help them become more confident. Let them process and choose a question instead of a statement as a response, you’ll be surprised sometimes by how deep your little person is!

This process helps them understand themselves better and helps them to turn into adults that can communicate - all by choosing to kind of bite your tongue!

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