The Easiest Ways to Transform Your Life

Season #2 Episode #27

“The way you get more is by appreciating what you have. And when it comes to acting as if, if you want to be something, if you want to start something, if you want to do something… then act as if it’s already happening.” - Kelsea Koenreich

You are in this space with me, because you are a leader. 

You are committed to continually be on a path of growth and transformation in your life. 

You are also here, because you believe you are meant for more.  Like me, you are a high achiever, constantly working towards being the best version of yourself.

And in today’s episode, I’m sharing with you 3 of the easiest ways to transform your life.

There is no right or wrong way to grow, to transform and become your best self.  You just start by finding the best way that allows you expansion and fulfillment in your life.

No matter where you are on your own path, by sharing your journey, you can teach and lead us.

Enrollment for my LAUNCH CEO is open, come and grow your business with me.


[01:08.6] The best and easiest ways to transform your life.

[07:04.7] Implementing, doing, being - and then - teaching, showing, sharing

[07:35.3] Part of Kelsea’s transformation has been spiritual 

[10:31.5] Sitting with yourself honestly, and looking at yourself honestly

[13:43.3] “Don’t be a bump on a log”

[15:24.9] Community, support, and accountability

[15:42.1] Kelsea’s membership is a good place to start when you are looking for community and support.

[19:24.0] Acting as if


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