Not Bad Isn't Good Enough

Season #2 Episode #32

“The place that gets you where you want to go is taking ownership and stepping up and not letting yourself be limited by where you are, who you’re with or anything.” - Kelsea Koenreich

“It’s not that bad.”  

You’ve probably heard that before and probably said it yourself as well.

You’ve been in a job, relationship, or a situation where you’ve felt stuck, believing there was no way out, settling and telling yourself this is good enough.  

You are better than that.  You are worthy and deserving of MORE.  

And in this episode, Kelsea shares how it isn’t acceptable that we tell ourselves that good enough is ok.  She further explains how there is always something, at least one step we can take to move forward, that we always have a choice to make changes.  

You are not a victim, you have a choice.  You are MUCH MORE. Don’t be satisfied with good enough in life.

So, if you’re ready to take charge of your life, get UNSTUCK, and live more fulfilled, let’s make that shift together and join my Passionate Power Masterclass

This Masterclass is designed to help you find your purpose, ignite your passion and create the life you want from right where you are.


[00:57] Forewarning

[01:24] “There are things I need to get off my chest, there are things I need to call you out on”

[01:56] We think that not bad is good enough

[03:51] What is the difference in how you treat yourself and how you treat other people

[04:29] Setting yourself up as a victim in your life is not going to get you where you want to go

[06:01] Fear based and scarcity decisions prevents us from growth

[07:37] Why don’t we see how worth we are

[10:29] Victim mentality 

[12:06] Be honest about the victim mentality if that is where you are at

[15:16] Recognize how deserving you are

[17:14] Step forward: do I want to live my life as a victim or do I actually want to take charge and switch perspective to what can I do 


50% Complete

Two Step

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